What’s the point?

What’s the point in growing? Doesn’t that come naturally?

Of course we grow up but some people seem to stop, and soon they start to die internally even before they mature on the outside. This closing down may be very subtle and then suddenly: Forgetfulness, confusion, dementia and very soon the Gate of Death opens and we disappear.

It seems right now, 2023, that a lot of people have become addicted to isolation, information, and incunabulum, so that all that matters is posting and getting as many “likes” as they can.

No one really wants to work at growing because they always heard “no” while they were growing up and now they want to hear “yes!” Okay.

Yes. You don’t have to grow.

But you can. This blog will show you that without much stress or stain you can develop yourself and open unimagined vistas.

Thanks for reading.

New Video Series

I  hope you’ll join me in my new video series, “Exercises for Human Growth.”

They are about raising human consciousness one step at a time. At first, as children we take baby steps.  There is no magic formula to Higher Consciousness. Waking up is a slow process which is a natural occurrence of human growth.

We are as if locked in a maze with stone walls. Little by little we can emerge, if we at least begin. So head on over to my YouTube channel and watch the first video, “Write it down.”

Soon this year, 2023, I’ll be posting daily exercises. See you HERE!  

Stephen P.  Means
Be happy.

Growing in Personal Power?

When I was a kid. . . .

There was a movie about a scientist who saved a human brain in large fish tank and fed it chemicals to get it to grow and think better.  Today this is called Nootropics. Here are the leading supplements to safely increase one’s thinking ability.  Click below:





Sure you can. If you could plan every move your made from sort of a place in high consciousness that could see days, weeks and months ahead . . . then most likely you could avoid a lot of resistances and consequences of your actions. Maybe you can do this without Nootropics.


And you won’t have to worry about your brain outgrowing it’s fish tank, getting out and killing the scientist . . . but you still might take over the world. 





In a conversation at George Lucas’ Skywalker Ranch, Joseph Campbell discussed myth with Bill Moyers. Campbell said, “People say that what we’re all seeking is a meaning for life. I don’t think that’s what we’re really seeking. I think that what we’re seeking is an experience of being alive, so that our life experiences on the purely physical plane will have resonances within our own innermost being and reality, so that we actually feel the rapture of being alive. That’s what it’s all finally about, and that’s what these clues help us to find within ourselves.”


The secret lays in laughter. Max Beerbohm has written: “Strange, when you come to think of it, that all of the countless folk who have lived before our time on this planet, not one of us is known in history or in legend as having died of laughter.”


One you start and it becomes a habit, the act of laughing at yourself and life gets easier and easier. This quickly leads to growth. The word “worry” has the German root meaning “to wring out.” Heavens! No wonder you’re tired. If you worry, you’re wrung out most of the time. You need to learn to LAUGH OFF THE TOP YOUR HEAD.


E-BOOK BY Stephen Means
Click on book cover

Talking About Personal Growth and Purpose


I really did a lot of research for this report.

I looked into L. Ron Hubbard and
Scientology, Manley P. Hall and cosmic secrets, Taoism, and esoteric religions. As a Christian, I relied on the Bible, but no matter what I read and who I talked to—it seemed like I was getting more and more confused. Then sort of out of nowhere my prayers were answered and somehow I was able to write down what really mattered to me. So I put in this report what I think is most important to understand about ourselves and our place in the scheme of things.

I think this is important information

and what I discovered is you really only get to know your real purpose when you share with others. Sharing this information has really helped me to clarify my purpose, so I’ve put a link at the end of this report.

You can copy it and forward it to a friend in an email:

                             YOU ARE THE ANSWER 

it’s important.

i’m an editor on the staff of Wisdomgame®. Our reports are free,
and if you subscribe we start conversations and help you actualize your purpose. The most important thing is simply to have some fun while at the same time bringing more love, freedom, joy and abundance into your life. Our motto at Wisdomgame® is to use entertainment to educate and enlighten. I’d like you to subscribe because we want you to have fun. It’s really so important to be self-actualized, to realize your life’s purpose and to enjoy life.


It makes all the difference.



Cosmic Laws of Success

Success Has Different Meaning

Our society seems to equate having a large financial portfolio, a big bank account, properties and a large estate with success, but accomplishing one’s aim depends on purpose. If a person’s goal is to take a mate to bed the words of George Harrison might be appropriate. He sang,

I got my mind set on you
I got my mind set on you
But it’s gonna take money
A whole lot of spending money
It’s gonna take plenty of money
To do it right, child . . .

Happiness is a Determiner of Success

Whatever a person’s aim if they end up being unhappy, then what’s the use? Existence is futile if you can’t find happiness. If your mind is troubled and you can’t find peace, if you worry and fret over your fortune and have trouble with everything and everybody, you’ve lost your treasure.



Paramahansa Yogananda lived from 1917 to 1977. He established the Self-Realization Fellowship and became a well-know author with Autobiography of a Yogi. In a small tract, The Laws of Success, he writes,

“By the power of concentration and meditation you can direct the inexhaustible power of your mind to accomplish what you desire and to guard every door against failure. All successful men and women devote much time to deep concentration. They are able to dive deeply within their minds and to find the pearls of right solutions for the problems that confront them. If you learn how to withdraw your attention from all objects of distraction and to place it upon one object of concentration, you too will know how to attract at will whatever you want.”

Everyone and Everything Loves Attention

Attention deficit disorder is a disease of the information age. The Center for Disease Control estimates that at least 4% of adults have it and 10% of children are afflicted. Cats. Dogs, the kids, a buzzing fly, and the dirty dishes want it from you; then the bills and paper work. There is always something  asking for attention, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, some show you can’t miss and something that “has to be done.”


If you don’t have one already, make a place in your living space that is a sacred quiet place where you can set aside a small amount of time to relax and focus. Withdraw attention and go inward. Allow both your physical being and your mind to relax. Place your thoughts upon your happiness. Feel what that would be like . . .  

Success is yours. The cosmic laws of the Universe support you. If you’d like more information, get one of our e-books.

Thanks for reading,


Getting Deep Sleep


A Lot of People Have Sleep Problems. 

During the night we rest, rejuvenate and heal, but a lot of people either can’t sleep or have terrible sleep. This gets worse as we age.  Twenty seven  percent of people in a new Consumer Reports survey of 4,023 U.S. adults said they had trouble falling asleep or staying asleep most nights, and 68 percent—or an estimated 164 million Americans—struggle with sleep.

Some Remedies 

A few things one can do to help sleep is to reinforce your circadian cycle by developing a life rhythm. This is done by establishing a certain time to go to sleep and awaken. Also, a quiet and dark room really helps. A small amount of the hormone Melatonin may also benefit.

Deep Sleep is Necessary.

REM is a stage of sleep before deep sleep. REM stands for Rapid Eye Movement. There’s a debate right now. Some medical professionals say REM is an early stage before deep sleep and some say a late stage right before deep sleep. All agree rapid eye movement is a stage that comes before deep sleep.

Everyone’s Environment is Polluted

Our lives today are filled with eye strain, blue light, toxins, dust and polluted air. There’s not much a person can do, yet at night there may be an easy solution.  Here’s a tip to get deeper sleep. Since our eyes move back and forth before deep sleep, this simple tip will help. It’s an obvious solution to getting better sleep.


Before going to sleep at night, use a few drops of eye wash in each eye. 

Give it a try.

Thank for reading,



Are You Impeccable?

Impeccable People

Chickens peck a lot, but they’re not exactly impeccable. The word “impeccable” describes something or someone without any flaws who has extremely high standards especially for themselves. Some times these people don’t have many friends because to a perfectionist others seems crude, flawed, and disorganized.

Being Impeccable can also be a Benefit.

Certainly is a lot easier to get things done when you know where your tools are and you can find them. When paperwork is in the right files, this speeds production. When every thing is flowing, working great, one can be on top of the world. But what do you do when it’s not going exactly right?


OKR or Objectives and Key Results is a framework for defining and tracking objectives and their outcomes. The development of OKRs is generally attributed to Andy Grove the “Father of OKRs”, who introduced the approach to Intel during his tenure there and documented this in his 1983 book High Output Management. Wikipedia


OKR can keep you on the right track

It defines what you seek to achieve. Results come from how these top priority goals will be obtained with specific measurable actions within a set time frame. What’s important is to keep the “main thing” the main thing.

Ask these questions:
  1. What’s the point?
  2. What’s the goal?
  3. What’s the future look like?
  4. Who do you and your associates want to become?

In his new book, Measure What Matters, Grove stresses you must “. . . crystallize your objective. Break that down into key results. . . . take your goals, your objectives, and break them down into measurable metrics when achieved add up to that objective.”


Sit down with pen and paper or use the keyboard, right now, and write down “How do I generate what I want or need?” Then ask yourself,  “What measure will I use to know I’ve achieve it.” Finally, “How do I understand what’s going on with me, my situation, my life?

Grove points out his strategy: “Don’t focus on or study the faults, the poverty, focus on how do you generate what you want.”

You don’t need to be impeccable to get his book. Just click below.

Thanks for reading,


Develop Concentration


How do you open the door?

Deep Concentration Opens the Door 

In deep concentration your mind becomes attuned with the infinite and contacts your higher mind linked to  cosmic intelligence. In deep concentration you become linked with the great creative
spirit of the universe, and the creative energy then flows
through you, vitalizing your creations into form.s.

Full of it!

You become so full of the cosmic energy that you are literally
flooded with divine power. This is a most desired state. It is
then we realize the advantages of being connected with the
supra-consciousness. The supra-consciousness registers the higher
cosmic vibrations.

Not 5-G

The Cosmic Intelligence is often referred to as the wireless
station, the message recorded coming from the Universal Mind. In deep concentration contact your higher mind, then  you’re ready to proceed.

Cosmic Garden in Your Head

Remember that the first step in concentration is to form a Mental
Image of what you wish to accomplish. This image becomes a
thought-seed that attracts thoughts of a similar nature. Around
this thought, when it is once planted in the imagination or
creative region of the mind, you group or build associated
thoughts which continue to grow as long as your desire is keen
enough to compel focused concentration.


Think how quiet and relaxed you are. Just think of yourself as getting ready to receive knowledge that is far greater than you have ever received before. Now relax and let the spirit work in and through you and assist you to accomplish what you wish.

You can find more secrets like this in our books:


Thanks for reading,



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